Use a hanging indent for reference- first line of each reference is flush with the left margin while subsequent lines are indented.The word " References" should appear (without quotation marks) centered at the top of the page, bold.Use Level 1 heading for next main section of paper.Use Level 2 heading for any subsections within introduction, Level 3 for subsections of Level 2, and so on.Do not type the heading "Introduction," title will act as de facto Level 1 heading.Type the title in title case, bold, centered and positioned at the top of the first page of text.Page number in page header, flush right.Running head in page header, flush left (not applicable to student papers).Author's note (not applicable to student papers).Center the institutional affiliation directly under the author's/authors' name.Format the name omitting titles (Dr, Prof, etc.) and degrees: First name, middle initial, last name.Center the author's/authors' name directly under the title.If title is longer than one line, separate the title and subtitle on double-spaced lines if desired.Title should be typed in title case, bold, centered and positioned in upper half of title page.Appears flush left in all-capital letters.Avoid using abbreviations in the running head.If title is less than 50 characters, can be used as running head.Doesn't have to be same as title, but limited to 50 characters and conveys the idea of the title.Include a running head on every page (Running Head does not apply to academic/student papers).Do not justify the text or use hyphenation.Footnotes- default footnote settings of word-processing program acceptable.Computer code- use a monospace font (ex.

Figure images- use a sans serif font with a type size between 8 and 14.Serif fonts preferred for print works (Recommend 12pt Times New Roman or 11pt Georgia).